Report a Barrier to Access

Barrier Notification Form

UNC Charlotte is committed to having an accessible campus for individuals with disabilities, including students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors. Providing an accessible campus, both programmatically and physically, is considered one of the top responsibilities of our institution. 

In this regard, if you encounter a barrier to access to a program, service or activity on campus, such as an inoperative elevator, blocked access ramp,  inaccessible website or electronic content, broken or missing curb cut, or other impediment, please notify us of the issue by completing the Barrier Notification Form (also hyperlinked in Heading Level 2 above) or reporting your concern. 

Questions about the form may be directed to 704-687-0043. The ADA Project Coordinator reviews the reported barrier with appropriate offices across campus to determine the available courses of action. If the program, service or activity is not accessible, the ADA Project Coordinator will communicate the plan for removal of the barrier to achieve program access. Methods for providing access may include structural changes or nonstructural changes, such as acquisition or redesign of equipment or relocation to alternate accessible facilities, among other innovative approaches.

Completing the Barrier Notification form does not constitute a formal complaint or grievance. For more information about formal complaints and grievances, please refer to University Policy 501.1.